Public Comment

Street Changes Create Problems

Nori Hudson
Sunday November 26, 2023 - 04:54:00 PM

Bicycle safety appears to be the stated purpose for the numerous street changes in many Bay Area cities:

  • · streets with green lanes
  • · cement dividers beyond normal curbsbb
  • · odd-shaped islands at intersections
  • · parking spaces in traffic lanes
  • · restaurant seating in parking spaces (parklets)
  • · outright elimination of parking in general
  • · increased unnecessary street barriers and one-way streets
The consequences of these remodeled streets are numerous, some of which have been seen in nearby cities as well. 

Traffic congestion

Example: Marin Avenue, formerly an efficient four-lane artery, is now reduced to one congested lane in each direction during commute hours. Since this change, we have seen very few cyclists using the wide bike lanes created in the “road diet” move in 2005. 


Example: Gilman Street east of the train tracks is a maze. A double bike lane on the south and stenciled bike marks on the north car lane confuse bike riders and drivers. A motorist was observed going east on the double bike lane to make a right turn onto 4th street. Bikes in the north car lane have no logical path to access the new overpass. 

Potential business failures

Example: The proposed Hopkins Street double bike lane would eliminate precious parking space, depriving businesses of the customers from outside of this popular neighborhood that they rely on to stay afloat. Local foot and bicycle traffic is not enough to support these businesses. 

Loss of timely emergency vehicle access

Example: The proposed Telegraph Avenue plan between Woolsey and Dwight will offer only one lane traffic each way and a curbed bike path, both of which prevent motorists from pulling over to let through ambulances and police vehicles. Eliminating left turn options on many Telegraph intersections is a pointless reduction of the utility and convenience of this main thoroughfare. 

A volunteer survey of multiple high traffic areas in Berkeley during peak hours shows the percentage of bicycle traffic is only .5% -2.46% of all vehicles: 

Why is the City (and Council members) determined to impose these modifications when the neighborhoods continue to say no, for all the foregoing reasons?