Let's abandon our parks. It won't take much.
Parks nationwide are one of the most bipartisan, easily supported ideas on earth. But Berkeley has found a way to divide people over their existence, their purpose, and reduce parks to their potential commercial worth, with little opposition from current leadership.
People's Park is victimized by the University of California's greed, neglect, and disinformation such that even the Sierra Club failed, despite UC's alternative sites, to take a stand against its possible conversion to housing. Cesar Chavez Park is at risk of being converted to a ferry-ride parking lot with absurd, unnecessary concessions. Civic Center Park, despite its historic origins and connections to world famous architects, runs the risk of being destroyed by civic leadership with no understanding of its historic foundations, and Willard Park, despite community opposition, is at risk by a plan for a large, rentable building in its center opposed by neighbors.
The loss of habitat, open space, natural landscapes has powerful public health implications. Our town's plans used to champion these needs, but have been altered by successive assaults by the same developers who pooh-pooh the elemental California Environmental Quality Review requirements as excessive and burdensome.