Poor Diets Given to Mental Health Consumers Revisited
My wife when younger was underestimated. She graduated from a very good college before the onset of her condition, yet when she became bipolar, she was subjected to treatment as "a dumb mentally ill person". For example, her worker at California Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Linda, sent her to a training to become a motel maid. This was inappropriate. She is a highly intelligent and thoughtful person and my marriage to her is one of the primary reasons that I've done well.
People with psych conditions are routinely grossly underestimated. This is a disservice. Being mentally ill doesn't make you dumb or worthless. And it does not mean that you do not deserve good health and a long, meaningful life.
Those who oversee non-independent mentally ill people have misconceptions concerning food that should be given. I know of an organization that is generous enough to often deliver a free meal, and I've eaten some of them. The error is assuming we prefer high fat, high carb, over seasoned food along with sweets. This is not a healthy diet, and it is unpalatable. Some good pork was ruined by smothering it in a massive amount of seasoned salt. I re-grilled some of it along with some water, and repeatedly drained off the salty, artificially- or paprika colored water. The meat was salvaged to the extent that I could make an acceptable sandwich out of it. My preference is San Luis Sourdough. It is not whole wheat. Yet most of the whole wheat grocery stores sell is doctored up with excessive sugar and other unnecessary ingredients.