
Building the Resistance

Bob Burnett
Wednesday November 20, 2024 - 08:38:00 PM

We lost the election. That doesn’t mean we have lost hope. 

Meaningful progress takes a long time. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Our 2024 election defeat means we have more work to do. Nonetheless, Democracy is worth fighting for. 

There are 652 days between inauguration day, January 20, and the midterm elections, November 3, 2026. Starting today, there are 712 days before Democrats take back the House and Senate. 

In the interim, here are ten things that each of us can do: 

1. Take care of ourselves: The next 712 days will be a marathon. We must condition ourselves, physically and mentally, for a hard slog. Take time to exercise daily. Whatever your spiritual tradition, make time for a daily ritual of prayer or meditation. 

Take time in silence and make the space to listen to your inner voice. This is a situation that requires each of us to have a strong moral compass. Trust yourself. 

2. Spend quality time with your friends and family. Comfort those you love. Cherish your fortune to be among good people. 

3. Resist the “Pollyanna syndrome.” Push back on the belief that everything will be okay if we think happy thoughts. 

The danger of Trump has not been exaggerated. MAGA rule will be awful. The next 712 days will be difficult, but we can prevail if we are disciplined. 

Begin by acknowledging the truth: Donald Trump has no respect for the rule of law. 

4. Prepare for an extended period of bad news. Don’t get overwhelmed by MAGA mania. 

Don’t stick your head in the sand but take time, each day, to focus on something positive. 

5. Protect the most vulnerable in your community. Under the MAGA regime, the vulnerable include women. members of racial and ethnic minorities, the physically disabled, members of the LGBT community, the poor, anyone on Trump’s “enemies list… Donald Trump is a bully. He will lash out at vulnerable populations. 

MAGA’s form of abuse will vary by community. For example, in California, I expect Trump’s immigration policies to impact Latinos in every county. Many of us have Latino friends who are productive members of the community but whose immigration status makes them vulnerable. These individuals need our support. 

6. Think globally but focus locally. For most of us, our point of personal leverage is in our community. It’s convenient to sit in front of the TV and rail at Trump, but we can be more productive working with our friends and neighbors. For example, public health services will come under attack, and we can expect MAGA attacks on environmental laws. Public health and environmental protection are actions best taken at local levels. 

7. Find your allies. You are surrounded by potential allies. You need to seek them out and develop new coalitions. For example, your church or synagogue may have a social justice group you can join. You might also consider joining the local chapter of the ACLU, Sierra Club, or Indivisible. 

When we hold hands with our allies, we are not alone. 

8. Combat disinformation. A serious problem in MAGA world is the constant level of disinformation. 

As we build the new resistance we must seek out, and publicize, trustworthy sources of information. 

9. Remember that MAGA is not a majority agenda. In 2024, Trump got 5 million fewer votes than Biden did in 2020, and less than half the popular vote. On every policy issue, the MAGA position is in the minority. 

The people will have the power, if we organize. 

10 .Make a difference. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Each of us has a role to play in the defense of democracy.