
AB 1307 - Monday hearing at Senate Committee on Housing

Carol Denney
Thursday July 06, 2023 - 05:02:00 PM

The letter below responds to Assemblymember Buffy Wicks' latest housing atrocity, an effort to get the 12-story southside high-end, students'-only "housing" project exempt from CEQA and stamping out the only park in a low-rise neighborhood on the National Register of Historic Places shoveled through without the environmental review affirmed by the courts. The hearing is Monday, July 10th, 2023. Please let people know.

Israel, stop your attacks

Jagjit Singh
Thursday July 06, 2023 - 05:10:00 PM

Israel's abandonment of the rule of law and its intensified terror attacks against Palestinians, falsely labeling their resistance as militancy, is deeply concerning. The occupied land is an enemy of true democracy, with the occupiers acting as oppressors while the Palestinians suffer as victims. -more-

New ruling on affirmative action

Romila Khanna
Thursday July 06, 2023 - 05:16:00 PM

I am an educator. I can’t imagine how Supreme Court has devastated millions of students' desires and dreams and without feeling guilt! I am not African American but I am a preschool assistant teacher.I never learned in my schooling that depriving others can make me happier or more powerful. I feel sad that my students who must be getting ready to apply to go to reputed colleges or universities would not be able to go to enhance their learning, to fulfill their life’s mission of uplifting their own and their families socioeconomic status. -more-

Public Comment

Concerns Regarding Prime Minister Modi's Impact on India

Jagjit Singh
Monday July 03, 2023 - 03:17:00 PM

I am writing to express my deep concerns about the impact that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has had on the nation. While some may argue that he has brought economic progress and development, it is crucial to examine the broader implications of his actions on various sections of society. -more-

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces: Bombs, Banes & Bummers

Gar Smith
Monday July 03, 2023 - 03:07:00 PM

Triggering One Nuclear Bomb to Avoid a Global Apocalypse?

Unreported in the US media, a former Russian presidential advisor named Sergey Karaganov has written a controversial article arguing that the only way to stop a world-ending nuclear exchange with NATO and the US would be for Russia to detonate a single nuclear weapon to "sober up the West."

In his article on using a nuclear strike to prevent WWIII, Karaganov writes: "In 75 years of relative peace, people have forgotten the horrors of war, have stopped fearing even nuclear weapons."

Karaganov argues that what's needed to "save humanity from a global catastrophe" is a shocking, real-world "demo" detonation—"one Russian atomic weapon to shock the US into avoiding Armageddon."

The problem is real: atom bombs have become "normalized" and are no longer feared. The word "tactical" is used to minimize the concept of atomic war. In a controversial public service TV announcement, New Yorkers were instructed that "if the Big One hits," they only need to pull down their window shades and relocate to the center of their high-rise apartments.

Karaganov's op-ed has stirred up a major debate in Russia with other powerful strategists, advisors, and political leaders offering their own chilling critiques. Some of the resulting headlines include the following: -more-

ECLECTIC RANT: UN Report: Guantanamo Prisoners Continue to Face Cruel and Inhuman Treatment

Ralph E. Stone
Monday July 03, 2023 - 03:12:00 PM

A June 23, 2023 report of a U.N. investigation found conditions inside the prison at Guantanamo Bay cruel and inhuman. Roughly 780 detainees have been held at the detention center since it opened in 2002. Today, 30 remain, 19 of whom have never been charged with a crime, and 16 have been cleared for release. -more-

A BERKELEY ACTIVIST'S DIARY, week ending June 25

Kelly Hammargren
Saturday July 01, 2023 - 05:48:00 PM

Two meetings last week focused on mass transit. One was the update to the City Council on the Climate Action Plan and Resilience. The other was Councilmember Taplin’s proposal, at the Facilities, Infrastructure, Transportation, Environment and Transportation Committee (FITES), to reconfigure University from 6th Street to Shattuck and Shattuck to Durant to create dedicated bus lanes, transit-signal-priority elevated platforms for AC Transport’s 51B, and dedicated bike lanes from 6th to Oxford and Oxford to Durant. -more-

ON MENTAL WELLNESS: The Lasting Damage of Mistreatment

Jack Bragen
Monday July 03, 2023 - 01:20:00 PM

I have not trained myself to have an arsenal of insulting language, or defenses from foresaid from other people ready to be delivered whenever the moment calls for it or when I think I can get away with it. I never thought it was necessary to use language as a weapon rather than a tool. -more-


Berkeley Says Goodbye to Gus Newport

Becky O'Malley
Monday June 26, 2023 - 01:44:00 PM

When I learned last week from my social media and Internet connections that Gus Newport had died, I thought about a line I’d once heard sung by a gospel choir at St. Paul AME Church.

“After all I’ve seen, I still have joy.”

Gus approached everything in life with enormous enthusiasm, truly with joy: running for office, being in office, policy planning, academic endeavors, networking with the livelier parts of the left, and most of all, encouraging and mentoring his compañeros in the eternal struggle against evil .

On my laptop I have a sticker once handed out by The Nation, offering a quote from the late lamented Molly Ivins:

“We have to have fun while trying to stave off the forces of darkness because we hardly ever win, so it’s the only fun we get to have.”

Well, yes, but Gus was one of the few resolute progressives who did win, at least for a time, who actually won a couple of terms as mayor without sacrificing his principles, and still had fun.

He served seven years in the early 1980s. Many key progressive goals, notably effective rent control, were realized in Berkeley during his time in office. Ever afterwards he followed Berkeley politics with interest, even when he moved Back East for a spell.

While living in the Boston area, he taught at MIT and worked with community organizations. He was especially proud of a method he’d devised for exacting meaningful community benefits from developers who demanded lucrative zoning concessions. He also lectured at Yale, the University of Massachusetts and UC Santa Cruz. -more-



Kelly Hammargren, Sustainable Berkeley Coalition
Monday July 03, 2023 - 01:15:00 PM

Worth Noting:

Enjoy the 4th of July Holiday week

  • Thursday: At 7 pm the Landmarks Preservation Commission in person.
  • Saturday:
    • At 10 am the Berkeley Neighborhoods Council meets online.
    • From 3:30 – 5:30 pm is the Morchestra 17 piece Jazz orchestra in John Hinkel Park.
The July 11 City Council Agenda is posted for review and comment. Agenda Item 31 is the City Auditors report on staffing shortages and employee satisfaction (report 60 pages). Agenda Item 33 is the Adoption of the Civic Center Phase II Design Concept (Report 180 pages).

Check the City website for late announcements and meetings posted on short notice at: https://berkeleyca.gov/ -more-

Back Stories


Public Comment

Concerns Regarding Prime Minister Modi's Impact on India Jagjit Singh 07-03-2023

SMITHEREENS: Reflections on Bits & Pieces: Bombs, Banes & Bummers Gar Smith 07-03-2023

ECLECTIC RANT: UN Report: Guantanamo Prisoners Continue to Face Cruel and Inhuman Treatment Ralph E. Stone 07-03-2023

A BERKELEY ACTIVIST'S DIARY, week ending June 25 Kelly Hammargren 07-01-2023

ON MENTAL WELLNESS: The Lasting Damage of Mistreatment Jack Bragen 07-03-2023


AB 1307 - Monday hearing at Senate Committee on Housing Carol Denney 07-06-2023

Israel, stop your attacks Jagjit Singh 07-06-2023

New ruling on affirmative action Romila Khanna 07-06-2023

Arts & Events

THE BERKELEY ACTIVISTS' CALENDAR: July 2-9 Kelly Hammargren, Sustainable Berkeley Coalition 07-03-2023