Bird Safe Ordinance Finally on the Berkeley City Council Agenda for June 6
The final step for the BIrd Safe Ordinance is the vote by the City Council on June 6 at the 6 pm regular meeting. Reading the 50 page report in the June 6 City Council Agenda packet makes my eyes glaze over.
There are things you should know. This is not a done deal.
Erin Diehm put together a tool kit with the actions (there are three) to take.
You might ask, Why, is it so important that Berkeley gets the BIrd Safe Ordinance right?
Of most importance is that bird populations are in steep decline. The net loss of 29% of birds in North America since 1970 sent a shock wave across the scientific community, spilling over to front page news. The lead scientist Ken Rosenberg of the groundbreaking 2019 study which reported that nearly 3 billion breeding birds had vanished in North America in 48 years said this:
“Because birds are highly visible and sensitive indicators of environmental health, we know their loss signals a much wider loss of biodiversity and threats to human health and well-being.”
Despite the alarming findings, the scientists say there is hope, but that requires transformative change. Bird-glass collisions are estimated to kill up to 1 billion birds per year and residences, the 1 and 2 story buildings, are 44% of the problem.