The Editor's Back Fence

Subscribing to the Planet

Becky O'Malley
Saturday May 22, 2021 - 12:05:00 PM

Some have been inquiring about subscribing to the Berkeley Daily Planet. I guess it's time to explain what that means. The answer is "not much". Anyone can read the Planet, all of it, simply by going to This will get you to the front page of the current issue, which also offers access to previous issues and the ability to do a Google search of past issues for specific authors, topics or key words. New articles are posted throughout the week, and they can be seen as soon as they're online using the "Next Issue" button on the front page. Approximately weekly I press a button which makes the Next Issue the Current Issue. This is called "publishing", and is not as complicated as it sounds.

So what's getting a "subscription"? That's nothing more than signing up to get an email from me with links to headlines of all the new articles soon after the New Issue is published and becomes the Current Issue. To get your email address on that list, just write to, preferably with the word SUBSCRIBE as the subject. This is the easiest way to read the Planet. Sometimes emails come more than once a week if new articles come in.

There's no charge for any of this, and worth every penny you pay for it.