Worth Noting:
Last Friday I started with, “The PANDEMIC – It is barely noon and already the daily count for the US is up to 77, 723 of new cases and 636 deaths” today around noon that number was 125,284 with 859 deaths. Depending on where you get your news, when the show was aired/recorded and which dashboard was used, the total number of new cases for the day will vary. The total I see is USA 183,527 California 10,067. We are in a raging pandemic. Monday, November 9 at Mayor Arreguin’s Town Hall our Health Officer said that the celebrating Thanksgiving with up to three families all of whom are “bubbled” and not socializing beyond that group would be fine. The world has changed since Monday. So far, we have been fortunate in Berkeley with low incidence of infection, we cannot count on that to last. Skip in-person gatherings, call and zoom instead. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
What Did and Didn’t Happen in City Meetings November 9 – November 12, 2020
On Tuesday the City Council meeting ended abruptly at 11:01 pm (as predicted) in the middle of discussion of item 12. on Security Cameras. Item 22. The last item on the agenda was the No confidence vote of the Police Chief so all the action items were left on the table to be rescheduled at some later date. Thursday the Public Works Commission met and prioritized the T1 Phase 2 Projects. The Public Works Commissioners are amazing. Check the Activist’s Diary in the Berkeley Daily Planet for a more thorough review. http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com
What’s Ahead – There are 20 meetings without counting the two Council closed sessions. Just take a quick scan of the list. Giving an overview would fill another page.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
No City meetings or events found
Monday, November 16, 2020
Agenda and Rules Committee, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm,
Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82045200899
Teleconference: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-877-853-5257 Meeting ID: 820 4520 0899
Agenda planning for 12/1/2020 Regular Council meeting, CONSENT: Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) FY 2020/2021-2022/2023 3 year program and expenditure plan, 2. Contract $185,000 1/1/2021 – 6/30/2022 with Resource Development Associates (RDA) to facilitate design of Specialized Care Unit (SCU) by analyzing current mental health crisis system, community engagement, research and data to develop program to re-assign non-criminal police service calls to SCU that will respond without law enforcement, 3. Amend contract add $200,000 FY 2021 & FY 2022 rate $100,000 with Fred Finch Youth Center for Turning Point Transitional Housing, 4. Amend BMC 11.28 Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation (MHKO), 5. Grant Application FEMA for $1,237,500 for seismic retrofit of MLK Jr. Youth Services Center/Young Adult Project, 6. Grant application $897,000 to SF Restoration Authority Measure AA for feasibility studies for improvements at Aquatic Park, 7. Grant application up to $8,000,000 to CA Proposition 68 Statewide Parks Program for new Park Development at selected Santa Fe Right of Way parcels, 8. Amend contract add $410,000 total $1,235,000 with Freitas Landscaping for additional reduction hazardous vegetation during high-risk fire season, 9. Donation from Regan Nursery Rose Bushes value $1099.78 for roses stolen from Berkeley Rose Garden, 10. T1 Phase 1 Modifications to Project List includes change of phase from design to planning for Berkeley Municipal Pier, 11. Amendments to BESO, 12. Accept Revenue Grant $10,000 from EBCE for Reach Code Support, 13. 10 yr Lease Agreement with Berkeley Housing Authority for 5th floor at 1947 Center, 14. Final Map Tract 8533: 1500 San Pablo 175 condo units, 170 residential units, 5 commercial units, 15. Contract $4,968,764 (include contingency $451,706, with Andes Construction , Inc. for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, 16. Contract $2,711,556 (includes $246,505 Contingency) with Glosage Engineering, Inc. for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, 17. Grant Application for Highway Safety Improvement, 18. Appoint Boona Cheema and Margaret Fine to Mental Health Commission, 19. Endorse CA Recycling and Plastic Pollution Reduction Act for 2022 election, ACTION: 20. BMC Title 14 and 23 to Reform Residential Off-Street Parking Requirements modify parking minimums, impose parking maximums, amend residential parking, institute transportation Demand Management, 21, Correct Fee for increases, 22. Resolution calling for State Legislature to align state with UN Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, 23. Amend BMC 13.111.020(a) Ordinance 7,727 to further limit 3rd Party Food Delivery Services from 15% to 10%, 24. Create and Support and Adopt an Unhoused Community program supporting neighborhood volunteers and community groups in adopting encampments, 25. Striking Racially Restrictive Covenants in certain Property Deeds letter to County of Alameda and CA legislature, 26. Personal Liability Protection for Small Businesses - personal guarantee for commercial leases, 27. Resolution calling on BUSD to consider renaming Thousand Oaks Elementary to Kamala Harris Elementary School, 28. Referral Commission Low-Income Stipend Reform, INFORMATION REPORTS: Short Term Referral Process, Quarterly Update, 30. Measure T1 Update, REFERRED ITEMS for REVIEW: 9. Impact of COVID-19 on meetings of legislative bodies, 9. Commission Reorganization for Post COVID-19 Budget Recovery, 10. Protocols for managing Zoom meetings, UNSCHEDULED ITEMS: 11. Officerholder Accounts, 12. Relinquishments and grants from Councilmember Accounts, UNFINISHED BUSINESS for SCHEDULING: 1. Kitchen Exhaust Hoods, 2. Surveillance Technology Report, Acquisition and Use, 3. Security Cameras at Major Berkeley Arterial Streets, 4. Gun Buyback, 5. Report on Homeless Outreach, 6. Surveillance Technology Report License Plate Readers, Body Worn Cameras, Street Imagery Project, 7. Annual Commission Attendance and Meeting Report, 8. Community refrigerators, 9. Vote of No Confidence in Police Chief,
(packet 214)
City Council Closed Session, 4 pm
Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81747283367
Teleconference: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-877-853-5257 Meeting ID: 817 4728 3367
Agenda: 1. Anticipated litigation
Children, Youth and Recreation Commission, 7 – 9 pm
Videoconference: https://zoom.us/j/96159228557
Teleconference: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 961 5922 8557
Agenda: 8. Annual T1 Phase 2 update, 10. Workplan
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Solano Avenue Business Improvement District Advisory Board, 12 – 2 pm
Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86968697869?pwd=QlhmZFBxcWl1R1V1M0JtR25qMjl5UT09
Teleconference: 1-669-900-9128 Meeting ID: 869 6869 7869 Passcode: Solano
Agenda: not posted
Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board – Eviction/Section 8 Committee, 5 pm
Videoconference: https://zoom.us/j/91565398954?pwd=aGxTcVRDMUg1M3JPTENENjZ3RjFqdz09
Teleconference: 1-408-638-0968 Meeting ID: 915 6539 8954 Passcode: 353939
Agenda: 6. Summary Distressed Properties, 7. 1685 Solano, 8. Impacts Covid-19, 9. Section 8 issues at 4th and University, 11. Measure MM
City Council, Email: council@cityofberkeley.info
3:30 pm Council Closed Session
Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86415105179
Teleconference: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-877-853-5257 Meeting ID: 864 1510 5179
Agenda: 1. Pending Litigation 1444 Fifth Street LLC v. City of Berkeley #19032434, 2. Conference with Labor Negotiators – employee organizations: Berkeley Fire Fighters Local 1227, Local 1227 IAFF/Fire Chief Officers, IBEW Local 1245, SEIU 1021 Community Services and Part-time Recreation Activity Leaders and Maintenance and Clerical, Public Employees Union Local 1, 3. Pending Litigation Shipp, Thersa V. City of Berkeley WCAB #DJ10911597
6 pm, Regular Council Meeting
Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87898323220
Teleconference: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-877-853-5257 Meeting ID: 878 9832 3220
Agenda CONSENT: 1. Ratify Proclamation of Local Emergency due to COVID-19, 3. Bid solicitations, 4. Apply for funding $100,000 from CA Dept Health Care Services, 5. Contract add $50,000 total $100,000 and extend to 6/30/2021 with Telfords for Tyler Munis ERP System (formerly ERMA) for implementation payroll system, 6. Refer to Planning to rezone parcels to be reclassified to new Adeline Corridor Mixed-Use General Plan rezoned to new Commercial, 1709 Alcatraz, 3404 King, 3244 Ellis, 1717 Alcatraz, 2024 Ashby, 7. Contract add $100,000 total $350,000 and extend to 12/31/2022 with Karste Consulting for Emergency Preparedness Services and Training, 8. On-Call Contract add $100,000 total $250,000 extend 6/30/22 with Acumen Industrial Hygiene for asbestos, lead, mold and other hazardous material sampling investigations, surveys and program management, 9. Contract add $123,534 total $273,534 and extend 6/30/2021 with Don’s Tire Service for Tire Repair city fleets, 10. Contract add $317,563 total $1,192,563 and extend 6/30/2021 with Bruce’s Tire, Inc for new tires city fleets, 11. Library Gifts Received report $129,079 (sale of donated books, Friends of Library and Library Foundation), 12. Budget Referral $20,000 for Berkeley Age-Friendly Continuum, 13. Refer to City Manager Improving Hate Crimes Reporting, 14. Refer to City Manager to incorporate relevant elements of Navigable Cities Framework for Ensuring Access and Freedom of Movement for People with Disabilities into Master Plan, Refer to Public Works and Parks and Waterfront Commission on ways to incorporate Navigable Cities Framework into the work, projects, contracts and policies of Public Works and Parks Recreation & Waterfront Departments, ACTION: 15. Renew Elmwood BID for 2021, 16, Renew Solano BID for 2021, 17. Closure of the crossing at Camelia/Union Pacific to all traffic, 18. Update General Plan under CEQA to CA SB 743 Transportation Impact analysis replaces Level of Service (LOS) with Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), 19. FY 2021 Annual Appropriations, 20. Amend BMC 13.110, Title 13, COVID-19 Emergency Response Ordinance to enhance emergency tenant protections, 21. Contract $50,000 (10/15/2020- 6/15/2021) with Youth Listen Campaign with Voices Against Violence, Information Reports: 20. FY 2020 Year End/FY 2021 1st Quarter,
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Commission on Aging, 1 – 3 pm
Videoconference: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72674239145?pwd=ZmpuYzhJWXZxMGVzc2VmOVZCaHptdz09
Teleconference: 106690900-9128 Meeting ID: 726 7423 9145
Agenda: 4. Workplan 2021
City Council Facilities, Infrastructure, Transportation, Environment & Sustainability Committee, 2:30 pm
Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85952780607
Teleconference: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-877-853-5257 Meeting ID: 859 5278 0607
Agenda: 2. Potential Bonding and Funding Opportunities for Improving the PCI (Paving Condition Index) of Residential streets and creating a paving mater plan. 3. Ordinance terminating the sale of gasoline, diesel and natural gas vehicles in Berkeley by 2025 and feasibility of terminating the sale of gasoline and promotion of sale of electric vehicles. 4. Prohibition resale of combustion vehicles by 2040. Unscheduled Items: 5. Regulating Plastic Bags, 6. Prohibition of sale of carbon-based transportation fuels by 2045 (from CEAC), 7. Prohibition of use of city streets for combustion vehicles by 2045, 8. Amend BMC 7.52 by reducing tax for electrification and water conservation retrofits, 9. Initiate Citywide, Regional and International just transition to a regenerative economy to address climate change, 10. Enforce Bi-weekly (every 2 weeks) cleaning measures to encampments, 11. Recognize the Rights of Nature. (packet 188 pages)
Fair and Impartial Policing, 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Email TTrachtenberg@cityofberkeley.info to be added to the email list for meeting notices and links Videoconference: Teleconference: Meeting ID: - not yet available
Animal Care Commission, 7 – 9 pm
Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83950155243
Teleconference: 1-669-900-9128 Meeting ID: 839 5015 5243
Agenda: V. a) COVID related impact on Animal Care Services, b) Annual Workplan, c) Activities Friends of Berkeley Animal Care Services,
Board of Library Trustees, 6:30 pm
Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86042306505
Teleconference: 10669-900-9128 Meeting ID: 860 4230 6505
Agenda: Presentation 2021 Priority Activities, FY 2021 1st Quarter Budget, Library reopening report.
Planning Commission – Special Meeting, 7 pm
Videoconference: https://zoom.us/j/96468865881
Teleconference: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 964 6886 5881
Agenda: 9. Public Hearing Bayer Development Agreement & SEIR Scoping meeting, 10. Demolition Ordinance
Police Review Commission, 7 – 10 pm
Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87070468124
Teleconference: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 7046 8124
Agenda: 10. Amendments to Policy 300 Use Force from Chief Greenwood, Amend PrC Regulations to revise the number of votes needed to accept a late-file complaint, Discuss ways to manage length of Commission meetings, Transition to new Police Accountability Board and Office of Director of Police Accountability
Thursday, November 19, 2020
City Council Budget & Finance Committee, 10 am
Videoconference: Teleconference: Meeting ID: not posted check during the week
Agenda: not posted check during the week
Citizens for Cultural Civic Center, 12 – 1 pm, email johncaner@gmail.com to be added to the email list and receive the meeting zoom link
Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board, 7 – 11 pm
Videoconference: https://zoom.us/j/99876939267?pwd=VU40WmVuc2RuMVF1aXFqWTJoekVqQT09
Teleconference: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 998 7693 9267
Agenda: 6. Measure MM, modified Rent Board Hours Dec 24 – 31, Waivers of late registration penalties.
Design Review Committee, 7 – 10 pm
Videoconference: https://zoom.us/j/95000463132
Teleconference: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 950 0046 3132
1. 2035 Blake – Final Design Review – modification of approved project to demolish 2 existing non-residential buildings and construct new mixed-use 82 apartments, 1896 sq ft retail, 2 live/work
2. 600 Addison – Preview – R&D campus 461,822 sq ft of gross floor area and 944 parking spaces previously submitted August 27, 2020 with 521,810 sq ft and 1044 parking spaces.
Advisory item – Modifications to the Sign Ordinance
Fair Campaign Practices Commission (FCPC), Open Government Commission (OGC), 7 pm
Teleconference: Meeting ID:
Agenda: FCPC: 6, Complaint alleging BERA violations by Committee for Ethical Housing, 7. Investigation Berkeley Committee for Police Oversight, Investigation regarding Maria Poblet for Rent Board, 9. Complaint alleging violations of BERA by Re-elect Jesse Arreguin, 10. Complaint regarding campaign signs advocating for the election of Councilmember Cheryl Davila, 11. Complaint alleging violation of BERA by Rent Board Candidates Leah Simon-Weisberg, Mari Mendonica, Andy Kelley, Dominique Walker, Xavier Johnson, 12. Complaint alleging violations of BERA by Wayne Hsiung, 13. From City Clerk regarding Public Finance Program campaign, Andrew for Berkeley, Wayne Hsiung for Mayor, OGC: 15. From City Clerk failure of multiple City lobbyists to file quarterly report, 16. Complaint by Martin and Olga Schwartz alleging violations of Open Government Ordinance relating to ZAB
Parks and Waterfront Commission and Public Works Commission, Time TBD
Videoconference: Teleconference: Meeting ID: - Not Available check later in week
Agenda not yet posted subject to be T1 Phase 2 finalize list of projects to recommend to Council
Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Product Panel of Experts, 6:30 – 9 pm
Videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82993001502?pwd=NWVGVmxtZGZoemF5S2ZNNW9nUmZRQT09
Teleconference: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 829 9300 1502 Passcode: 976785
Agenda: 2. RFP for soliciting grant applications for FY 22 and FY 23 funding cycle, 3. RFP scoring criteria, 4. Letter to City regarding SSB tax revenues and Finance Department charges
Friday, November 20, 2020
Fifth Virtual Summit Series for an Environmentally Just and Regenerative Future, 9-11 am, Agenda Includes message from Barbara Lee,
Register for meeting links: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/climate-emergency-mobilization-summit-5-next-steps-for-mobilizing-tickets-125764299405
Saturday, November 21, 2020 and Sunday, November 22, 2020
No City meetings or events found
Public Hearings Scheduled – Land Use Appeals
0 (2435) San Pablo (group living) ZAB - 1/21/2021
1915 Berryman (Payson House) LPC – 1/21/2021
1850 Arch (add bedrooms) ZAB – 1/26/2021
1862 Arch (add bedrooms) ZAB – 1/26/2021
Notice of Decision (NOD) and Use Permits with End of Appeal Period
1560 Beverly Place 11/30/2020
2430 Bonar 11/23/2020
1335 Delaware 11/23/2020
1333 Grant 11/24/2020
2224 Grant 11/30/2020
901 Grayson 11/17/2020
1009 Heinz 11/9/2020
1227 Josephine 11/24/2020
1205 Oxford 11/23/2020
3001 Telegraph 11/30/2020
2435-2437 Virginia 11/19/2020
2136-2154 San Pablo
LINK to Current Zoning Applications https://www.cityofberkeley.info/Planning_and_Development/Land_Use_Division/Current_Zoning_Applications.aspx
Jan 12 – Ballot Measure Implementation Planning
Feb 16 - BMASP/Berkeley Pier-WETA Ferry, Systems Realignment
March 16 – Capital Improvement Plan, Digital Strategic Plan/FUND$ Replacement Website Update,
Unscheduled Workshops/Presentations
Cannabis Health Considerations
Berkeley Police Department Hiring Practices (referred by Public Safety Committee)
Undergrounding Task Force Update
Update Zero Waste Priorities
Removed from Lists
Update Berkeley’s 2020 Vision
This Summary of City of Berkeley meetings is the available published public meetings that could be found and they are important. This does not include the task forces established by the Mayor (those schedules are not available). If anyone would like to share meeting schedules including community meetings to be included in the weekly summary so we can be better-informed citizenry, please forward the notices to sustainableberkeleycoalition@gmail.com before Friday noon of the preceding week.
To Check For Regional Meetings with Berkeley Council Appointees go to
To check for Berkeley Unified School District Board Meetings go to
This meeting list is also posted on the Sustainable Berkeley Coalition website.
http://www.sustainableberkeleycoalition.com/whats-ahead.html and in the Berkeley Daily Planet under activist’s calendar http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com
When notices of meetings are found that are posted after Friday 5:00 pm they are added to the website schedule https://www.sustainableberkeleycoalition.com/whats-ahead.html and preceded by LATE ENTRY
If you wish to stop receiving the Weekly Summary of City Meetings please forward the weekly summary you received to kellyhammargren@gmail.com,